The activity uses familiar materials like balls, pebbles, leaves, wooden blocks, and coins, along with a large water container for children to conduct the experiment easily. Teachers spark curiosity with thought-provoking questions such as, "Do you think this object will sink or float? Why?" One by one, the objects are placed into the water as the children observe, record results, and discuss why light objects like wood float while small but heavy objects like coins sink.
This experiment not only introduces children to basic scientific principles but also fosters critical thinking, communication, and teamwork skills. The joy and excitement on their faces as they discover new phenomena inspire us to continuously create meaningful lessons. The "Sink or Float" activity ignites a love for learning, stimulates imagination, and nurtures a desire to explore the world.
Let’s join hands to make every day of your child’s learning journey at Tiny Flower Montessori meaningful, filled with joy, and enriched with valuable lessons!
Tiny Flower Montessori